Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Elizabeth Bishop and Her Poems Essay

Elizabeth Bishop was not just a simple poet for me during her time. Her family background contributes to her life and career in a significant manifestation. Because she was not raised by her own parents, she used to perceive things in a broader knowledge – accepting everything that she has despite of her parents’ incapability of nurturing and loving her as she grows up. This is what I like about Bishop. Despite of her shortcomings and emptiness in some part of her being, she tried to perform better in her lifetime that gave her different achievements and recognitions in the literary world. Her life during her childhood when she used to go to different relatives because her father died while her mother was hospitalized taught her how to adjust to different people and knowing them at the same time. She knew that her relatives especially her aunt loves her so much, more than what she expected but she still seek for the love of her parents. For the reason that she could not obtain the love that she wanted, she makes herself busy to many things that she thought would help her to become a better person even if her parents are not around her. The way she was not raised by her own parents and could not able to give her the strength in everything she does manifests during her college days when she could not pursue her dreams in music for she is afraid to face the crowd. Through writing, she found herself successful behind her narrators or characters in her poems. In writing, she was not afraid to face her readers for she would just write and let her readers feel her through her poems. As a reader, I can probably say that I can feel her personality because of the way on how she attacked her poems during her point of views and the way she related fiction to reality is the most considerable things why I admired her. Aside from the fact that I liked her because she is a woman like me, I ca relate to many things that happened to her like losing her parents at an early age. I also love the way she writes her poems. As she focused most of her poems on nature, she illustrates the reality within it. Through reading her poems, we can see how much our modern period and nature have changed from then to now. In this case, we could be able to relate what the history tells us and how would these aspects recount to our modern world. It is an important point of attack because the readers would have the power to describe the past and acknowledge it in the present situation of the society and nature. The most significant poems that are close to my heart are Bishop’s poems entitled â€Å"The Map† and â€Å"Florida†. As I read these two poems, it reminds me of many things in life. It gives me the knowledge on how to perceive life in a positive way despite of all the odds within my journey. Because I know that life is a never-ending journey and responsibility, I have learned how to take each day as one step as a time to what I believed and my purpose in living. Critical Essay Elizabeth Bishop’s poem entitled â€Å"The Map† is about the description of the difference between the historian and map-makers in terms of their way of tracking the geographical event and scenario between the North and the West. The author describes profoundly the setting where beautiful things emerge. There are no negativities within the poem. Everything looks good. That is why as the readers read this poem they would feel the goodness of history and reality at the same time. The author showed and described abundant images and elements to show the life of the poem. Even if there are some disputes between the historians and the map-makers, the author did not show the negativities within it. As an irony of the poem, she used positive images and elements to show the problem within it. It was like the character of the author. Bishop can be said as the narrator of her poems. Even if she felt bad, she would hide it in front of many people showing the good things within her while she hides the dilemmas in her life. Another significant thing that we need to consider in this poem is the femininity of the poem. The author used feminine images and elements that showed the essence of being a woman. Some of the images that exist in this poem are lovely bays, peninsulas, yard-goods, and glass. Lovely bays signify beauty and keenness, peninsulas signifies curve or silhouette of a woman, yard-goods signifies femininity, and glass signifies fragility of a woman. These images can be seen as a formation of a woman as men define them whom to be the historians and map-makers. It means that men created women as what the bible showed that women came from the piece of men through the conception of Even from Adam. Like the poem â€Å"The Map† the poem entitled â€Å"Florida† is a free-verse poem or much of the acknowledgement as prose-poetry. The author did not use rhyming or syllabication schemes in her poems. She used free-verse without limitation of the rhymes and syllables. It shows that Bishop did not like limitations. She makes sure that she maximized all the opportunities that he has whether in personal or career aspect of his life. When it comes to her poems, he did not limit herself to many things because she wants to show everything that is within her reach. Bishop’s poems show that she loves nature as its best. She perceives nature an important tool in her writings. In the poem Florida, it was just as simple description of the setting of Florida if we look at the literal attack of the author. She illustrates the characteristic and nature of Florida. She did not incorporate any human perspective in this poem. Everything is meant for nature’s purpose and is not from man-made signification. Bishop is also open to many cultures in her poem. She described different images and elements that came from different cultures such as China and India. It means that she is not a discriminator in this aspect because as what we see in her chosen culture, which is China and India. Both of these came from Asia. Asia are known from different kinds of discriminations whether in language or in color. However, as what we see in her poem, she used these cultures as incorporation of the culture of Florida. Because the poem is free-flowing, the concepts and ideas are also free-flowing. It incorporates different kinds of ideologies that set the positive mood of the poem yearning for good realization and judgment of living in Florida. References Bishop, E. â€Å"The Map† Bishop, E. â€Å"Florida†

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

A Study on the Need of Women Education for Socio-Economic Development of Rural Assam

ABSTRACT TITLE: A Study on the Need of Women Education for Socio-Economic Development of Rural Assam Birinchi Choudhury** Without the development the rural areas of Assam, we can never materialize our goal for being developed state by 2010 as declared by the present state govt. For the development of the rural Assam, including male, women education is a must. But women are neglected year after year. The attitude towards women hasnt changed yet. The literary rate shows this fact. According to the census, 2001, the literary rate in Assam is 64. 28 percent where 71. 93 percent for males and 56. 03 percent for female. In 2000, the infant mortality rate is 66 per thousand for males and 83 per thousand for females. What does it mean? Presently, nearly 2. 13 lakhs children of age group 6-14 years have not seen the varanda of primary school. In 2003, 2. 39 lakhs of children have left the primary schools without completing the course. Of course it reduced to 44,222 in 2005(September). It is seen that all the children are living below the poverty line and their parents are illiterate. Therefore, including male, women should be educated for complete eradication of illiteracy and for being developed socially, economically, culturally and politically. Lecturers of B. B. K. College, Nagaon, Barpeta 1 Title:- A Study On The Need Of Women Education For Socio-Economic Development Of Rural Assam Birinchi Choudhury** Executive summary Objective of the study: The objectives of the study are 1. To investigate whether any relation between the women education and socio- economic development of rural Assam 2. To inve stigate whether any relation between the women education and influence of her in her family. 3. To investigate whether any relation between the women education and standard of living of the family. Research methodology: Sampling method: Random sampling method. The population: Element: Wives and husbands Unit: Village Time: December. 2005 and January 2006. Sample size: 100 numbers of wives and 100 numbers of Husbands Limitation of the study: As the number of the sample is very small, therefore the findings may or may not be representation of the actual social position. Major findings: The findings of the study are 1. the socio economic development of the rural Assam mostly dependent on women education. 2. The educated women also try to motivate their children, irrespective of girls and boys, family members, society to be educated, self sufficient and conscious. 3. The education of the children, the standard of living of the family is mostly dependent on whether the woman of the family is educated or not. 4. Besides, her involvement in the society, e. g. socially, culturally, economically is also dependent on her education. Our study also shows that the family in which the woman is uneducated has higher number of children and her familys standard of living is also low. Even an uneducated wife doesnt know whether there is any need of education for her girls child. Therefore, mass women education is a must. Introduction: 2 Without the development the rural areas of Assam, we can never aterialize our goal for being developed state by 2010 as declared by the present state govt. For the development of the rural Assam, including male, women education is a must. But women are neglected year after year. The attitude towards women hasnt changed yet. The literary rate shows this fact. According to the census, 2001, the literary rate in Assam is 64. 28 pe rcent where 71. 93 percent for males and 56. 03 percent for female. In 2000, the infant mortality rate is 66 per thousand for males and 83 per thousand for females. What does it mean? Presently, nearly 2. 13 lakhs children of age group 6-14 years have not seen the aranda of primary school. In 2003, 2. 39 lakhs of children have left the primary schools without completing the course. Of course it reduced to 44,222 in 2005(September). It is seen that all the children are living below the poverty line and their parents are illiterate. Therefore, including male, women should be educated for complete eradication of illiteracy and for being developed socially, economically, culturally and politically. A few tables are given below which show the comparative statement between male and female. Table 1: Students not gone to school Year Number of children who have not seen Primary Schools 003 13. 40 lakhs 2004 1. 6 lakhs 2005(Sept. ) 2. 13 lakhs *Source: The Amar Asom, 29th Nov. , 2005. Table 2 : Comparative literary rate in Assam (percent) Year Over all Male Female 1961 32. 58 44. 28 18. 61 1971 33. 32 42. 96 22. 31 1991 53. 42 62. 38 43. 70 2001 68. 28 71. 93 56. 03 Table 3: Sex Ratio In Assam Year Sex Ratio 1901 919 1911 915 1921 896 1931 874 1941 875 1951 868 1961 869 1971 896 1991 925 2001 932 3 Objectives of the paper: The objectives of the study are. 1. To investigate whether any relation between the women education and socio- economic development of rural Assam 2. To investigate whether any relation between the women education and influence of her in her family. 3. To investigate whether any relation between the women education and standard of living of the family. Limitations of the study: – The study has the following limitations- (i) The study is conducted on samples taken from a few villages that cannot be judged as perfect representation of entire population spread all over the state. (ii) Primary data collected through questionnaire has its own limitations as it lacks proper o-operation and support from the viewers. (iii) Response error cannot be over ruled. (iv) Time factor is also another limitation. Methodology:- We have employed a random sampling method for the selection of the sample where a sample of 100 wives and 100 husbands of a few villages have been interviewed separately through two different questionnaires . Besides discussion and interactions with different people of our locality help us a lot in preparing this paper. Their views and ideas have been clearly reflected in our findings and suggestions. Analysis and findings: – (A). Analysis of the wives view point 1. Only 15%of the population are educated and 85%are uneducated. Uneducated ( 85%) educated( 15%) educated uneduccated 4 Out of the total educated wives 90% are under matriculate, 08% are matriculate, 02% are H. S. passed Matriculate (8%) H. S. (2%) under matriculate(90%) below matriculate matriculate H. S. 2. Out of the total population 95% are housewives and only 05% are employed. Employed (5%) house wives (95%) house wife employed Out of the total employed population, 20% are in govt job, only 40% are in private job nd 40% are self-employed. Self employed (40%) private job(40%) govt. job(20%) govt. privvate job self employed 5 3. Our survey shows that in case of 97% families, husbands income is the only source of income for the family; in 01% families, wifes income is the only source of income for the family and in 02% families, and both husband and wives earn income. Only wifes income (1%) Only husbands income (97%) both husband and wifes income(2%) only husbands income only wives income both husbands and wives . The study shows that 10% couple have 0-2 number children and 95% have 3 and above number of children. 0-2 child (10%) 3&above child(90%) 0-2no of child 3and above no child Out of the total child 60% are boys and 40% are girls Girls (40%) Boys(60%) boys girls 6 4. The study depicts that 95% wives never participated in the decision making process in their family. Wifes participation (5%) Non-participant (95%) participant non participant Those who have never participated in the decision making process, out of them 80% think hat it is their duty to obey the decision taken by their husbands. Wife has on right to go against husband (7%) Husband never do mistake (10%) Husband dislikes wifes participation (3% A B C D Wifes duty to obey the husband (80%) Those who have participated in the decision making process, out of them 60% think that they have better efficiency to run the family. Wives have the right to participate (40%) Wives have better efficiency (60 %) A B. 7 5. Our survey shows that 80% population prefer education for both boys and girls but emphasis more on boys. Education for both boys & girls (15%) Only for boys(5%) both boys & girls only for boys both boys & girls but more on boys Education for both boys & girls but emphasis on boys(80%) 7. 60% population prefer girls education because they think that education helps the girls for being self-sufficient. For overcoming exploitation (30%) For getting higher social status (7%) for being self sufficient for overcoming explitation for getting higher social status for motivating women to be educated For motivating females to be educated (3%) For being self-sufficient(60) Those who do not want girls education, out of them 60% population think that girls should not be educated since girls cannot look after them after their marriage. Difficult to find a suitable groom for educated girl(30%) only because she is a girl(10%) only because she is a girl she wont looks after after her marriage difficult to find a suitable groom for educateds girl She wont looks after after her marriage(60%) 8 6. 90% population do not involve in the society. Wives who donot involve in the society(90%) wives who involve(10%) invlve in the society donot involve in the society Those who want to involve in the society, out of them, 60% do so for organizing rural women to take part in the decision-making in various aspects of socio-economic life. getting popularity(10%) organizing rural women(60%) focusing herself &getting leadership(30%) 7. 60% population think that women education help in socio-economic development of the society. 20% do not think so and 20% have not given any comment. Women education helps in socio-economic development Cannot say(20%) yes(60%) yes no cannot say no(20%) for organizing rural women focussing herself & getting leadership eing popular Analysis of the husbands viewpoint: 1. The population survey shows that 70%population are educated and 30% are uneducated. Out of the total educated persons, 40% are below matriculated and only 1% is postgraduate. H. S. (20%) graduate(5%) post graduate(1%) others(4%) Matriculate (30%) matriculation(40%) 2. Agriculture is the main income source for 60% population and 5% are engaged in govt. jobs a nd 35% are in business. Business(35%) govt. job(5%) agriculture(60%) govt job agriculture busness 3. 60% husbands have educated wives. Uneducated(20%) educated(80%) educatd neducated below mariculation matriculate H. S. graduate postgraduate others 10 Out of these 80% are below matriculate. Matriculate(10%) H. S. (5%) graduate(2%) others(3%) under matriculate(80%) 4. Only 2% husbands have employed wives. Out of these 50% are in govt. jobs 50% are self-employed. unemployed wives(98%) employed(2%) employed unemployed Out of these 50% are in govt. jobs 50% are self-employed. Self-employed(50%) govt. jobs(50%) under matriculate matriculate H. S. graduate others govt. jos self-employed 11 5. 15% parents have 0-2 number of Childs and remaining 85 % parents have 3 or above Childs. 3 and above(85%) 0 2(15%) 90% populations want that their daughter should be educated. No of husbands want education for their girls(90%) donot want(10%) Out of the total population who want their girls Childs to be educated, 65% think that education help their daughter to be self-sufficient. For getting higher social status(10%) motivating women to be educated(5%) 0-2 3& above yes no for self sufficient for overcoming exploitation getting higher social status motivating women to be educated 12 For overcoming exploitation(20%) for self-sufficient(65%) Those who do not want education for their girls child, out of them 60% think that their daughter will not look after them after her marriage. Difficult to find a suitable groom (35%) wont look after after her marriage(60%) Only because she is a girl (5%) 6. 95% population do not want their wives participation in the decision making process in the family. Donot want wifes participation(95%) want wifes participation(5%) Those who do not want wives participation in the decision-making process, out of them, 80% think that it is the duty for the wives to obey the decision taken by them. She has no income(10%) she hasnot sufficient knowledge(10%) duty to obey the husband(80%) won't looks after after her marriage only because she is a girl difficult to find a suitable groom for educated girls yes no duty to obey the husband she has no income she hasn't sufficient knowledge 13 Those who support their wives participation, out of them 60% think that wives may have efficiency to run the family. She has right(40%) she may has better efficiency(60%) better efficiency she has right 7. 70% population support mass education and only 30% do not want education for women. onot want mass education(30%) want mass education(70%) yes no Conclusion: – After interviewing with the wives and husbands, it is seen observed that the educated respondent feel that women education is a must for socio-economic development of rural Assam. The educated populations have the tendency to provide education for both boys and girls equally. They have less number of child and they, with males, pr efer womens participation in the decision making process in the family as well as in the society. Of course, some uneducated people unable to understand the need of womens education for socio-economic development. Most of the uneducated women do not want to provide education for their girls child. There fore, we should change the mindset of the parents as well as the society. No doubt mass women education will be helpful in this respect. Suggestions: – The following suggestions can be put forwarded as per the primary study. 1. We have to change the mindset of the parents as well the society for reducing gender classification. We should change the mindset of the society so that the society recognizes the complementary role of the women. 2. Provision of quotas in the govt. jobs as well as private job may encourage the parents o provide education for their girls Childs. 3. Female students should be given scholar-ship in the college level. Tuition fees for women should be completely abolished. If it is not possible, it should be at least ? th. 14 4. Reservation in politics may be helpful for women empowerment. Women empowerment encourages women to provide opportunities to do for the welfare of the women. 5. We should create the consciousness of the parents; especially the women, we should create consciousness about the need of women education. For this, social awareness camp regarding women education in the village level should be organized. The govt. should take a mission for women education. For this, some local educated women who have grip in the society should be appointed for this mission. 6. Camp, seminar, road-play, open meeting and discussion, advertisement through different media such as radio, T. V. , cinema for women education may be helpful in this regard. Bibliography:- 1. Datt, Ruddar; Sundadharam,K. P. M. (2004), Indian economy S. Chand, New Delhi. 2. Baruah, D. K. ;Baruah Indira(2005), H. S. Economics 3. The Amar Asom, 29th Nov. , 2005,Guwahati. 4. The Dainik Batori, 14th January 2006,Guwahati. * Lecturers of B. B. K. College, Nagaon, Barpeta

Monday, July 29, 2019

The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution - Essay Example On August 02, 1964, â€Å"the destroyer ship Maddox, headed by Captain John Herrick (Operational Control), was cruising offshore in the international shores when North Vietnamese (NV) tried to approach it by dispatching soviet-built P-4 fast patrol torpedo boats (PTFs). Torpedoes were launched from North Vietnamese PTFs. Maddox retaliated with the support of F-8 Crusader jets that strafed all the NV PTFs (Hickman, K-a.,n.d.). The second attack occurred on August 04, 1964. Given the 1st reported attack, the U.S. was not in the position to ignore NV attacks. In fact, immediately the US reinforced Maddox with another destroyer USS Turner Joy (DD 951). On the night of August 04, the U.S. warships reported having made contact with North Vietnamese naval forces whom they claimed attacked these 2 destroyer ships (Hickman-a, n.d). â€Å"In response to these alleged attacks, the U.S. through the 7th Fleet carriers, Ticonderoga and USS Constellation (CVA64), launched retaliatory strikes against North Vietnam that destroyed an oil storage facility and damaged an enemy naval vessels† (Natasi, 2001). U.S. through Johnson proposed the passage of a joint resolution with Congress (H.J. RES 1145) dated August 07, 1964, known as the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, described as the Southeast Asia Resolution, Public Law 88-408 which granted powers to President Lyndon Johnson to escalate U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War without a declaration of war. (Hickman, K-b.,n.d.), (â€Å"Tonkin Gulf Resolution†, n.d.) and (â€Å" Gulf of Tonkin Resolution†, n.d.). â€Å"The controversy about the Gulf of Tonkin incident came out after 40 years later when National Security Agency (NSA) declassified and released this material to the public†.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Currency War of China Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words

Currency War of China - Research Paper Example In connection to this, this paper provides detailed information on the effects of World War II to China’s currency. In doing that, it expounds on the Japanese presence in China and their effect on the economy as well as how the war between the Chinese currency and Japanese currency led to confusion of China’s currency. It also details on the activities that were carried out by the Japanese and their effect to China. The paper also expound on how silver affected the economy of China alongside explaining how the U.S. control of IMF led to currency issues in China. The paper expound on not only the effects of Cultural Revolution in 1966, but also on the effects of Post-Bretton Woods. Additionally, the paper also provides detailed information on not only what currency wars have brought to China, but also on how China will act differently if WWIII will be a currency war. Currency wars are terms used in referring to the manipulation of currencies with the intention of boosting exports. â€Å"On the other hand, currency war (competitive devaluation) is a condition in international businesses where countries compete with in opposition to each other with the intention of achieving relatively low exchange rates for their own currency† (Rickards 111). The term currency war was launched in September 2010 by a Brazilian Finance Minister referred to as Guido Mantega. According to him, emerging markets were experiencing challenges from not only depreciation of U.S. dollar, but also through undervalued Chinese renminbi (RMB). A week later after the coining of the term â€Å"currency war,† the President of France by name Nicolas Sarkozy also placed a reform of the international monetary system on top of the agenda of the G20 under France’s chairmanship with the aim of ensuring the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and other competent organi zations launch diverse host to discuss on the same issue. It was

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Legacy Carriers Airlines and Future Challenges Research Paper

Legacy Carriers Airlines and Future Challenges - Research Paper Example The operating expenses have been increasing significantly in the period of analysis for the legacy carriers while the revenue generating capacities have not been sufficient to cope up with them. .Most legacy carriers face significant losses in 2008 while the low cost carriers operate profitably except those in Asia. Passenger preferences also favour the low cost carriers. The study recommends the need for a relook on the business and marketing strategies of the free service airlines to compete with the low cost carriers. However the success of low cost carriers cannot be considered to be everlasting and cannot be considered as the success of a business model. The legacy carriers still form an integral part of the aviation industry. With the wave of liberalization and deregulation in the 1980s, airline industry has also undergone deregulation. Since the 1970s, there was tight regulation and rising hyper competition. The two main features of the regulated era were tacit collusion and avoiding head on competition (D’Aveni, 1995; Jarach, 2004).With the wave of deregulation, low cost carriers emerged as the new category attracting huge customers creating big challenge to the traditional full service legacy carriers. Traditional carries have found out difficult to compete with these low cost carriers in the deregulated era. It was argued that the tight regulatory practices in the airline industry might have led to many economic inefficiencies. This in turn had resulted in achieving low cost air transportation to public which was one of the core objectives of air transport policies. Hence deregulation wave started in the industry to improve efficiency and reduce airfares through rise in competition, air networks rationalization and airline governance enhancement (Gonenc and Nicoletti, 2001). Â  

Will Children's Centre Managers effectively respond to budget cuts Dissertation

Will Children's Centre Managers effectively respond to budget cuts without compromising the children centres ethos and vision - Dissertation Example However, the recent budget cuts have had a key impact upon the services provided by these Centres. The dissertation deals with the managers’ response to the budget cuts taking into account the ethos and vision of the centres. The paper has been divided into various sections so that it becomes easier to achieve the aims of the research. At the outset, the paper tries to provide a short introduction to the Children’s Centres and the issues faced by them. The research aim is introduced in this particular section. The next chapter is the literature review that assists in the analysis of the findings. The third chapter is the research methodology where the researcher tries to address the research methods applied to successfully achieve the objectives of the research. Qualitative method has been applied in the dissertation. Questionnaire has been prepared for conducting the personal interview and analysed with the help of secondary data and with the help of the literature rev iew. The research paper progresses with research findings and analysis. It tries to address what the managers say regarding the budget cuts. Finally conclusion and recommendation are provided in order to summarise the findings of the whole study and to provide recommendation for further improvement. Table of Contents Abstract 2 Table of Contents 3 Chapter One: Introduction 6 1.1. Background of the Study 6 1.2. Statement of the Problem 8 1.3. Objectives of the Study 9 1.4. Structure of the Study 10 Chapter Two: Literature Review 11 2.1. Children’s Centres’ Ethos and Vision 11 2.2. The Recent and Future Budget Cuts 12 2.3. Effect of Budget Cuts on Cambridgeshire Children’s Centres 16 Chapter Three: Research Methodology 20 3.1. Research Approaches 20 3.2. Research Methods 22 3.3. Data Collection Process 24 3.4. Data Analysis 26 3.5. Ethical Issues of the Study 27 Chapter Four: Findings and Analysis 28 4.1. Findings 28 4.2. Analysis of the Findings 32 4.2.2. Measure s and Management of the Budget Cuts 34 4.2.3. Involvement of Staffs in the Planning Process 35 4.2.4. Ethos and Vision of Children Care 36 4.2.5. Steps to Ensure That the Centres Stays Focused On the Ethos and Visions 36 Chapter Five: Discussion 37 Chapter Six: Recommendations 42 Chapter Seven: Conclusion 45 7.1. Summary of the Key Findings of the Study 45 7.2. Limitations of the Study 46 7.3. Scope of the Study 46 References 48 Bibliography 58 Chapter One: Introduction 1.1. Background of the Study In the modern era, Children’s Centres have become a significant part of the socio-demographic environment of various cultures. With the increasing complexity in the lifestyle preferred by the population, services provided by the Children’s Centres have proved to be of immense support to the parents. The services provided by the Children’s Centres in a society are related to the health services, family support services, family activity information, child care education services and employment and training counsels. However, Children’s Centres operating in various regions are concerned with the health, education and other related issues of the children aged between 0 to 5 years. With the aim of betterment of the child care practices in the society, Children’s Centres perform a variety of activities, such as drop-in play sessions, parental guidance, child development courses, access to health visitors and various other counselling services (Cambridgeshire County Council, 2009). Thus, Children’s Centres have become an integral part of the society in the current era which in turn signifies its obligation towards the local communities. In other words, as the interest of the local communities and its stakeholders is built-in with the operations of the Children’

Friday, July 26, 2019

Multiple topics outlined Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Multiple topics outlined - Essay Example Author focused on the relation with everyday things. He changed his point if view. He has become more phenomenological than an experientialist, and this transition is quite vital. It is noticed that from last many years, there are no proved concepts available, which are related to the science of experience based logic. He was expecting a surprise from his positivist co-workers. His concepts are changed from the traditional approach of hard science. The approach of hard science is based on experimental results and it is supposed to be an objective, positivist, rigorous and logical approach. Another approach of usability design or experience design needs a mental attitude and it is commonly known as subjective, post-positivist and experientialist approach. The author focused on the dichotomy of objective and subjective approaches. The book is basically about the emotional designs. This is the fourth book by Norman on the topic about everyday things. The other three books are not relate d to the theme of this book, but all these are only used to understand the feelings of the author. The book contains the chapter on â€Å"Personal Reflections†; this is called the refresher of book. Cognition is rutted concept with related to emotions. The manifestation of two in the functionality or behavior describes the good product that means the good design of the product with including the effectiveness of the product as well. According to the previous concepts of Norman’s focus was on usability and the behavioral manifestation, and his new changed concepts presented in this book are related to the effectiveness of the product rather than the design. The brief description about three main characteristics of the effective, behavioral and cognitive components are presented here in the paper. Three different aspects related to the design of the product are shown here. The three aspects of products design are named as visceral design, behavioral design and the cognit ive or reflective design. The visceral design is about the outer most appearance of the product. This may be in the type of sight, sound, smell or feel etc. The immediate and effective response, emotions about the designed product is the core of this aspect of design. The behavioral aspect is about the pleasure and effectiveness of use. The response from visceral aspect is very important for behavioral aspect. The bad or geed response reflects the performance of the product. The main purpose of this aspect of design is functions, performance and usability of the designed product. In the third aspect of cognitive design the rationalization of choice is considered. The understanding of the product is the main part of this aspect. For the design procedure of any kind of product or thing, these three aspects must be followed. Without following these concepts, production of products is nearly not possible. According to Norma’s theory, emotions are changed in the way we think, mean s that our emotions are dependent on the thinking. He wrote that emotions are very important for things used in our everyday life. So the subjective aspect is more demanded for everyday things as compared with objective approach. The author illustrated his concept about objective and subjective approaches through many related examples. The innovations are mostly logical based due to need for business point of view rather considered as the emotion. Author believes that advancement in the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Posners Terms Analyzing the Curriculum Assignment

Posners Terms Analyzing the Curriculum - Assignment Example For example, teachers can conduct research, introduce their research in the classrooms, share it with other teachers and after seeing the effectiveness of the research, can be supportive in making it a part of the curriculum. 2. Robert Glaser/Individually Prescribed Instruction (IPI) Robert Glaser made a curriculum by making use of the standards of RD&D model for curriculum change, which he named as Individually Prescribed Instruction (IPI). IPI can be defined as a systematic approach to learning (Posner, 1995). Glaser intended to implement the standards of the RD&D model to the whole curriculum employed by primary and secondary classes through IPI. This approach individualizes the children as the students are allowed to learn with the support of technology. Teachers and students both can assess the behavior of the student in learning and understand the curriculum. For example, students gain instructions and curriculum details with the support of computerized technology. Each of them has his own instruction to follow. 3. Collaborative Approaches as related to Curriculum Change The collaborative approaches as related to curriculum change were created after finding weaknesses in the RD&D model. The approach highlights that better teaching is based on experience and knowledge acquisition of teachers about their profession (Posner, 1995). Teachers are able o learn better by viewing other teachers’ teaching and sharing their notions with one another. Teachers and students should be collaborative in developing curriculums and bringing in a change in the curriculum. An example of collaborative approaches as related to curriculum change is to incorporate new and innovative materials such as computer usage in the curriculum by collecting the viewpoints of teachers and students collaboratively. Chapters 10 and 11 1. Purposes of Evaluation The purposes of evaluation sometimes disagree with one another. The academic institutions generally need evaluation data that t hey can reveal to the stakeholders and financers for showing the efficiency of their system (Posner, 1995). This evaluation data is provided as a source of measurement of the presentation of the academic institution for advertising purposes. In addition, the evaluation is conducted as a certified activity to assess the performance of individual educators in order to scrutinize and make better the learning strategies that they intend to provide. The profiles and yearly results of students given in newspapers and meetings for performance evaluation with the support of evaluation data are examples of purposes of evaluation. 2. Standardized Tests Standardized tests can be defined as a collection of questions with an acknowledged collection of most probably accurate answers (Posner, 1995). The standardized tests are assessments that are supervised and evaluated by following certain standards. Consistency can be found in standardized tests. Every student has to give the answers already as signed as correct answers. For example, a test in which, multiple choices are allowed with each correct answer already known to the checker.     Ã‚  

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Legal system and method Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Legal system and method - Essay Example Four Judges heard the case as there were two appeals heard together. They were heard together as they both involved interpretation of section 3 of the Homicide Act 1957. 3. Which judge chaired the bench and handed down the judgment? Write a brief biographical note on this judge, including his later career. What controversial statement did he make about Sharia law, in 2008? Name and date three out-of court-speeches made by this judge. How would you summarise his views on human rights? Lord Phillips CJ chaired and delivered the judgment. Nicholas Addison Phillips was born in 1938 and had his education at Bryanston School, Blandofrd, Dorset and Kings College, Cambridge. He served in Royal Navy. He was enrolled into the bar in 1962 and started his judicial service as a Recorder in 1982. After his stint as a High Court judge in 1987 and an appeal court judge in 1995, he became a Lord of appeals in 1999 and Master of the Rolls at the Court of Appeal, Civil division in June 2000. During his tenure, he heard appeals of General Augusto Pincohet, former dictator of Chile and ruled that he was not entitled to immunity from extradition. He presided over well known trials including the appeals from Maxwell brothers and Barlow Clowes, an investment company. He also conducted the BSE enquiry and concluded that a timely action by the government would have prevented the spread of the disease. Known for his simplicity of cycling to court, he is married to Cristylle Marie-Therese Rouffiac and has two children.1,2. During his speech before the London Muslim Council on 3 July 2008, he expressed that he was in favour of Sharia law being introduced in England and Wales provided it did not conflict with the laws of the country or did not result in severe punishments being imposed. Adding that there had been widespread misconception about Sharia law in England, he advocated that it could be used for alternative dispute resolution forms such as mediation and arbitration besides applicat ion of the Sharia law to marriage formalities. He also welcomed introduction of Islamic financial products. 3. Lord Phillip’s three out of court speeches: 1) â€Å"The Supreme Court And Other Constitutional Changes In The UK† before â€Å"Members Of The Royal Court The Jersey Law Society and Members Of The States Of Jersey â€Å" at The Royal Court St Helier Jersey 2nd May 2008. 2) â€Å"Lord Mayor’s Dinner for the Judges† at the Mansion House on 15 July 2008. 3) â€Å"Equality before the Law† at East London Muslim Centre on 3 July 2008. Lord Phillip has said that Human Rights are not hampering the efforts of the government to fight against terrorism. He reminds that Britain has welcomed refugees from all over the world after the World War II to guarantee them protection from violation of their human rights. â€Å"The so called 'war against terrorism' is not so much a military as an ideological battle. Respect for human rights is a key weapon in that ideological battle.†4 4. Who was the second ranking judge in the case? What was his role at the time? What is his job now? Write a brief biographical note on him. What is his special relationship with Kingston University? Name and date three out-of-court speeches made by this judge. What is his reputation on sentencing? Second ranking judge was Justice Poole. Sir David Anthony Poole was born on 8 June 1938 and died on 18 June 2006 shortly

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Security Risk Assessment and Audit into the connection of the internal Essay

Security Risk Assessment and Audit into the connection of the internal network with the Internet - Essay Example Information confidentiality is maintained by preventing unauthorized persons from accessing vital system information. Integrity handles an aspect that prevents that information from being manipulated by other external sources. Data should also be available for use when required by the relevant parties and not hoarded by other system resources. It is thus fundamental to protect these aspects of data in order to ensure that information within an organization is secure. In order to ensure appropriate security management of information within an organization, it is vital that the mission statement and the charter be defined for reference. The mission statement outlines the overall goals that the information security program within the organization seeks to achieve and provides guidelines necessary for strategic direction. The charter, on the other hand, avails provisions for the specific rights and privileges granted to the security team members from the organization. 1.2 Justification f or use of a security metrics program A security management program cannot be complete without the use of security metrics (Dexter, 2002). These are used to show the changing maturity of an information security program over time. The combination of metrics and reporting tools can be used to display the results and outcomes of past investments in information security and guide decisions for future information systems. 2.0 IT Security Management It security risk management is considered a series of steps that are undertaken to ensure the safety of information within an organization. It is a continuous process that begins from the process of assessment right down to implementation. And even after implementation, the process loops back to assessment because risks to information networks are diverse and constantly change necessitating the iterative process (Sennewald, 2011). This process is detailed below: Figure 1: An iterative process to IT security Management Risk assessment is the ini tial step that involves the identification of potential threats to the information networks ((Boyce & Jennings, 2002). Based on the results of this assessment, an appropriate policy is developed to maintain a secure protection framework. This includes the development of security guidelines, assigning security responsibilities to members of staff and implementing total technical security protections. Once this has been achieved, a series of compliance reviews and re-assessment activities are conducted to provide assurance that the security controls have been properly implemented. This information is collected through a process of periodic audits on the system (Purser, 2004). 3.0 Differences between a Security Risk Assessment and Security Audit 3.1 Security Risk Assessment This is conducted at the beginning of the process of security management to identify areas of change. It is often referred to as the baseline study that will be used to depict the amount of change that the organizat ion has gone through since the last assessment (Snedaker & McCrie, 2011). It includes an analysis of all the assets and processes that relate to the system. It also identifies all the threats that could affect

Monday, July 22, 2019

Low-cost Leadership Program Essay Example for Free

Low-cost Leadership Program Essay The best way for an organization to implement a low cost leadership-training program is to use a variety of approaches; this will maximize organizations efforts to have well trained employees with a focus on long-term development. In the case of a non-profit organization, the best way to set up a low-cost-leadership-training program would be to set-up a training committee. The committee would be composed of entry-level managers, upper management, and executives. This would allow for entry-level managers to have an input regarding what the employees need training and developing on. Also, with t upper-management and executives being involved and spearheading the committee, it lets employees realize that the organization cares about its employees. Once the training committee has been set up, it can then look into the variety of options they have available to them. It can send committee members to seminars, conferences, and trainings, which in turn would allow them to gather information and then train the organizations employees on the matter at hand. For example, a non-profit that works in family and youth development can send 3 site managers and 1 area director to a BOOST conference, a three-day conference that assists non-profits with ways to fundraise, market, build relationships with school faculty, connecting with members, redirecting negative behavior, etc. The employees that were chosen would then bring back the information they learned and recreate the training for the employees in the organization. Financially, this would be a great way for the organization to save money, while still managing to train employees. The training committee would also set up site visits to other highly productive companies and organizations. By doing so, the committee can send non-committee members as well as committee officials to do site visits to observe the work culture and environment of such company. The committee would have to brief the employees on what the purpose of the visit will be; therefore, allowing the employees to prepare questions that can be tailored to extract information pertinent to their needs. For example, the Boys and Girls Club doing a site visit to the YMCA. Finally, managers can find themselves overwhelmed by the amount of people they oversee and allotting enough time to each employee. Employees have a myriad  of concerns and issues that they might want to address with their supervisors. However, many times these issues are minimal but time consuming. Therefore, in order to minimize distractions and optimize productivity from lone employees and managers, setting up a mentor program within the organization would be a highly effective addition to training and developing program. Long-standing company employees would be mentors to new employees. This would allow for new employees to have a person to resort to in case they have any doubts or questions. The pros of setting up a training committee are low financial costs. It also allows for employees from all categories to interact and join efforts in the overall improvement of the organization. Also, if the organizations overall production increases and the organization sees sufficient growth, this committee can become its own department in the long run. It is important to keep in mind that regardless of the benefits this may provide a company, it undoubtedly will also come its consequences. In order for the company to ensure that the committee is successful, it will have to ensure that the committee members are effective communicators, great planners, and have plenty of public speaking skills. Otherwise, this will be detrimental to the committee but more importantly to the employees who will be receiving training from them. Also, trainings must be composed of material that will be useful to employees, and has to incorporate active learning techniques, case analysis, and hands on interaction in order to involve and stimulate the employees. The mentor program might also face its problems, so when pairing up employees, upper management must ensure that personalities are compatible and that the mentor is qualified to be one.

US Foreign Policy in Africa Essay Example for Free

US Foreign Policy in Africa Essay The question is that: what type of foreign policy should the US have with South Africa and the larger Africa? The answer of this question goes back to the foreign policy formulation and implementation of the United States government. According to the United States Department of State, the foreign policy approach for South Africa and the larger Africa is Transformational Diplomacy (â€Å"US Foreign Policy in Africa for 2007†). The principle being expounded in this kind of foreign policy approach is partnership. During the past years, what is being applied to South African people is the principle of paternalism, but this has been a failure (â€Å"US Foreign Policy in Africa for 2007†). The philosophy of transformational diplomacy is to do work with the people and not for them (â€Å"US Foreign Policy in Africa for 2007†). In other words, the United States government must work hand in hand with the South African people as their partners for economic, social and political progress. The idea behind this foreign policy is to facilitate in helping the Africans to improve their lives by means of building their own nations and transforming their own futures (â€Å"US Foreign Policy in Africa for 2007†). As such, the utilization of diplomatic power of the United States to reach this goal is instrumental for that matter. It is true that there are various conflicts in South Africa and the larger Africa. It could be remembered that Somalia gain benefits from the transformational diplomacy approach headed by the government of the United States. Somalia collapsed as a state for about 15 years due to war involving Ethiopian military, but with the foreign policy implementation of the United States in its benefit there was improvement (â€Å"US Foreign Policy in Africa for 2007†). At present time, Somalia was guided to the path of recovery and stability by the United States government owing to its partnership ideals with the country. The people were being taught on how to get out from poverty and at the same time working with them for economic and political stability. There are methods that are followed by the United States in resolving conflicts involving the African race. These methods are considered part of the transformational diplomacy and proved to be useful and proper. First, there was a call for resolution of the conflicts in South African nations including the larger Africa. Second, the United States government have backed African conflict mediation processes and improved the capacity of the Africans to bring out peace support operations and combat terrorism within the continent (â€Å"US Foreign Policy in Africa for 2007†). And lastly, there were also efforts to work with leading African mediators and with representatives of the United Nations, as well as the African Union and other African organizations. The transformational diplomacy approach is useful to retain peace in the African continent. Within the year 2001 and 2007, there were 6 wars that erupted in Africa and many people suffered to death (â€Å"US Foreign Policy in Africa for 2007†). The partnership of the United States government and African s together with the United Nations resulted to ongoing recovery of the war-torn areas in Sierra Leone, Liberia, Congo, Burundi, Angola as well as the North and South conflicts in Sudan (â€Å"US Foreign Policy in Africa for 2007†). Since the concept of democracy is an effective tool for peace and economic progress, the United States government tried to work with Africans in order to reject oppression and terror. Hence, it is always true that governments that mirror the popular will of the people are more likely to revere boundaries and human rights compared to those who failed to do so (â€Å"US Foreign Policy in Africa for 2007†). Majority of the African nations are now working towards democratic governance with the help of the United States foreign policy formulation and implementation under the auspices of transformational democracy. References U. S. Department of State. (2007, February 15). US Foreign Policy in Africa for 2007. Retrieved November 6, 2008, from http://www. state. gov/p/af/rls/rm/ 80210. htm.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Negative Effects of Social Media

Negative Effects of Social Media COMMUNITY OR ISOLATION? TOO MUCH SOCIALIZING ONLINE Abstract Internet facility nowadays has made social networking site is the most frequent visit either, indeed the use of the internet to socialize provides many benefits to the community. However, too much socializing online will lead to various cons, isolation that occurs will cause various disasters to users addicted to the use of the internet that is too long, various problems encountered will be faced by users when they are too much socializing online. Among these are, they will be lost interpersonal skill which it is something very important in the life of society. Mental illness will also be faced by users who employ the internet too much. It caused them to be spending too much time in front of the laptop or any gadgets. In addition, the technology also imposes social isolation. This is because the user will not be concerned with relationships in the real world. They will lose their manners, conversation or even manners mixing in the real world. Even so, there is too much socializing on line is also good, like trading online dah also use it toward education. All parties need to ensure that this can be eradicated because it will bring a lot of adverse effects than good. Introduction Nowadays, internet and computers are very important in life. Various methods are used to communicate with individuals. In the past, everyone connected with each other by simply sending a letter through the post. This process takes a long time to send a message to our friends. After the phone was introduced, many people use the phone to communicate with each other. With this, web developers about how to solve problems that occur if you want to connect with people who far away. Internet usage is diverse and among them is to search for information, adding knowledge, entertainment, and to chat. The use of increasingly sophisticated technologies to help people to get information at a rate so fast. John Naisbitt (1990), predicts one of ten human tendencies in the early twenty-first century is information. Approximately 60,000 students aged between 12 and 18 years in this country tracked spend at least four hours a day surfing the internet, especially social networking site Facebook (FB), Twitter, Instagram and many more. Addicted to the internet, especially FB is causing the students often cheat, steal, antisocial and turned into a bad temper if their wishes are not met. If the addictive social networking site is not addressed, it will cause various negative impacts include symptoms of truancy and crime and antisocial. Too much socializing online will lead to more negative than positive things. Other than disrupt the interaction among human beings, too much socializing online also leads to various diseases and also leads to social isolation imposes. Technology is destroying the Quality of Human Interaction Technology is the branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means and their interrelation with life, society and the environment, drawing upon such subjects as industrial arts, engineering, applied science and pure science (, n.d). It cannot be denied that in this century, we live really depends on the technology like mobile, computers, medication machines, security and etc. The technology development also keep increasing day by day and it makes some people feeling eager to wait for the new technology such as a new gadget being released. Technology itself gives us many benefits and also came along with negative effects. Little by little Internet and mobile technology seems to be deftly destroying the meaningfulness of interactions among people, disconnecting us from the world around us and leading to an imminent sense of isolation in today`s society (Melissa, n.d). Today, instead of meeting friends face to face we rather call, text or instant message them. It may seem simpler but we ultimately end up seeing our friends a lot less society (Melissa, n.d). The technology, especially mobile technology nowadays really gives a big impact to our live. In Malaysia itself, all the citizens in this country have their own smartphone even the kids under twelve years old. Supposedly, the children at that age should spend more time with their parents and friends. We called this situation as a gadget haze where people really attached to their gadgets. If this situation keeps happening in our society, we should not be surprised if those children having problem with their social interactions with others. There is an article that talk about how the mobile technology kills the face to face interactions. The writer said he was at the University of Missouri-Columbia for a reunion and he noticed that just about every student had a cell phone out to read text messages or check voicemails as they walked around- whether they had friends nearby or not (Mark, 2007). That was what happened in 2007, and we can see that the gadget haze today become more serious when the people busy texting, Facebooking, twittering, and these make them ignore the people around them and at the same time it slowly destroying the quality of the human interaction. In 2010, there is another article talk about how the technology destroys the interpersonal communication. The writer questioned that people today rely on Facebook, Tumblr, Foursquare and etc., And most individuals are connected to the technology and the internet at all times one way another (Sean, 2010). Furthermore, there also has a page that listed 10 ways smartphones are destroying our lives and I really interested with one of the ways that is social interactions? Huh? What are they? It questioned us how often these days we meet groups of people having coffee with everyone`s faces buried in their phones, supposedly they had nothing to chat about or maybe we are slowly forgetting how to fill life`s awkward silences with polite conversation (, 2012). The development of the technology that speeding up nowadays really make us worried because of the behaviour of the people that really excited regarding it. Technology is good, but our people make it worse. This is because we do not know how to use it well. Forget all the gadgets or any technology we have when we are in a group of people, show some respect there and then we can balance the human interactions within people and technology. Technology will be precious when we not how to appreciate it. Children will faced mental illness, disease due to too many online socializing Apart from the lack of interpersonal communication skills, The children are the ones who are vulnerable to the problem of social ills. Mental illness will also be faced by a child who is too much of their time on social networking sites. This is due, they would rather receive something without examining the facts is whether it is correct or not. Critical thinking they would be reduced and they will struggle to make any decisions relating to the idea. They are no longer interested in analysing an accepted fact flatly through search engines. Consequently, they no longer teach the brain to think in depth which can affect brain function when the condition persists. If that were done from the early stages of teenage life, how it will be when they grow up. It not only affects their daily lives, but how they can be competent and competitive. What is more worrying is primarily to parents is their childs truancy willing simply to go to a cyber cafe in their home if there is no computer. If not enough pocket money, they are willing to steal, as long as it can visit cyber cafes. Personal computers, especially those with access to the internet, for example, is one of the tools for communication technology is often touted as very useful for a variety of purposes such as to receive, transmit and record the information. But in the meantime, we also feel uneasy because the media have also become a channel obscene material and also have been misused for the purposes immoral and gambling. Children who spend a lot of time glued to a computer risk of mental health problems such as loneliness, depression and anxiety(â€Å"The internet can be bad for children’s mental health Health News Health Families The Independent,† n.d.). Those who spend more than four hours a day to see the screen more vulnerable to mental illness. Results showed that more health risks of social networking sites and computer games such as companies like Facebook criticized for failing to have a system that is more effective age checks for new joiners. You must be 13 or older to join Facebook, but many children younger holding account. Children who spend more time on the computer, watching TV and playing video games, tend to experience higher levels of emotional stress, anxiety and depression. In mirror newspaper written on 16 may 2014 about â€Å"Spending too much time online causing mental illness in children government health advisers warn† said that loneliness, depression, anxiety, low self-esteem and heightened aggression are some of the possible issues faced by children who may overuse the internet. A PHE report says improvements in childrens wellbeing over the past two decades had now been curtailed and may be in reverse. The report says the number of calls to Child Line about online bullying, suicidal thoughts and self-harm have soared in recent years. PHE suggested that parents should be particularly worried about their childs mental health if they spend more than four hours a day in front of a screen. Children who spend more time on computers, watching TV and playing video games tend to experience higher levels of emotional distress, anxiety and depression. This relationship is particularly negative among those who engage in high levels of screen use more than four hours a day. The evidence suggests a dose-response relationship, where each additional hour of viewing increases childrens likelihood of experiencing socio-economic problems, and the risk of lower self-esteem, the report said(â€Å"Spending too much time online ‘causing mental illness in children’ g overnment health advisers warn Mirror Online,† n.d.). Lack of healthy due to too much socializing online Pros when too much socializing online Although it leads to a lot of disadvantages. Too much air can also lead to community among these are Converse. Can contact old friends apart. Old friends reunite separated. We can look back school friends over a network with one another while relation can relive old story. Besides that, when too much online socializing, it can help promote something. Through social networking site, the latest entry can be announced to friends in the social networking site. . For example cooking tasty and cheap restaurants can be widely known. The best type of camera for the money can be discussed. It also easy to disseminate information. For example, the first time when you want to perform the ceremony wedding invitations need to find partners address each(â€Å"myMetro | Facebook kami,† n.d.). But now with the sophistication of the social networking site, wedding cards can be placed there and communicated to colleagues. Easy and fast. Request help anxious as blood donation certain jens to help terminally ill patients can also be disseminated. Cases of fraud and faces criminal disseminated in the fight against crime. Using a social network also, sharing of information or knowledge become easier. If we are wise to find a suitable friend, we will have the latest information quickly(â€Å"How Cell Phones Are Killing Face-to-Face Interactions | Mediashift | PBS,† n.d.). There are friends who are eager to share news and information to be shared. For example, the social networking site can replace the tv to know the latest news. Even with the trial court immediately known through twitter and certain websites. Current events can be known immediately. Science in medicine, technology and the like can also be disseminated. Social web sites like this can actually provide many benefits to adolescents if used correctly. But most do not take advantage of such facilities with the best that exists between those who abuse that sparked controversy as threats to particular individuals. Conclusion Malaysia as a country that is peaceful and prosperous society must be completed with the ethical standards of excellence for surfing the cyber world full of comfort. Islam as a religion of mercy should be the main reference in the formulation of ethical consumerism Internet standard, according to the characteristics of Islam itself that brings a complete change of angle whether social, economic, political, and so on. Islam requires all Muslims to respect each other, we maintain dignity and society around us. The issue of students exposed to pornographic material can be contained if religious values applied in the students. Certain parties have to take action to control closely so that students do not tend to social problems. No other element that can poison the integrity of the community that is spread through the internet to be accessed by all human beings. ICT influence the level of modernity and contemporary life is inevitable and has great influence in the lives of young people o r students in particular. It has become part of modern life now that will continue to improve the use and impact from time to time. The use and the influence in the lives of Malaysians now inseparable with ICT in many aspects of life. To avoid or reduce the negative effects and destroy the positive values of religion and culture of our society as well as highlighting the positive values of society, all parties and of various levels must strengthen the role of religious, moral and ethical values of our society, especially for the younger generation to avoid of the negative effects that will get worse. Completely eliminated the negative effects harder, but what might be done is to increase the positive effects and minimize negative effects. Government policies related to education and culture must also put the issue of abuse and the negative impact of the Internet as an important tool for the modernization and development of the nation state in Malaysia. In a nut shell, we can conclude here that too much socializing online will bring more negative symptoms than positive. All parties appropriate played crucial roles to eradicate the use of the internet for too long, because it will make a generation who will govern the country one day Reference How Cell Phones Are Killing Face-to-Face Interactions | Mediashift | PBS. (n.d.). Retrieved November 28, 2014, from Technology destroys interpersonal communication Collegiate Times : Columnists. (n.d.). Retrieved November 28, 2014, from Technology | Define Technology at (n.d.). Retrieved November 28, 2014, from Too much time on web â€Å"gives children mental health problems.† (n.d.). Retrieved November 25, 2014, from How Cell Phones Are Killing Face-to-Face Interactions | Mediashift | PBS. (n.d.). Retrieved November 28, 2014, from Internet Addiction: A Bad Habit, Not An Illness. (n.d.). Retrieved November 25, 2014, from Internet increases risks of mental illness in children | Health Fitness | bmag. (n.d.). Retrieved November 28, 2014, from myMetro | Facebook kami. (n.d.). Retrieved from Spending too much time online â€Å"causing mental illness in children† government health advisers warn Mirror Online. (n.d.). Retrieved November 27, 2014, from Technology is Destroying the Quality of Human Interaction | The Bottom Line (UCSB). (n.d.). Retrieved November 28, 2014, from The internet can be bad for children’s mental health Health News Health Families The Independent. (n.d.). Retrieved November 28, 2014, from Too much time on web â€Å"gives children mental health problems.† (n.d.). Retrieved November 25, 2014, from

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Nendel :: Essays Papers

Nendel The Arts play a large role in the expression of inner thoughts and beauty in my life. From dance and music to abstract art our concept of life is shown through the various ways in which we interpret it. We use the Arts as a means of touching that part of us that we cannot reach with Physical Science, Social Science, or any of the Humanities. The arts allow us to be as specific or as abstract as we please. It helps us become closer to ourselves and to others around us. Though there has been a lot of confusion as to what the true definition of â€Å"good art† is, how we show others what is going on in our minds and inner souls cannot be judged, graded, criticized or revised by anyone other than ourselves. The arts play a valued role in creating cultures and developing and documenting civilizations. The arts teach us how to communicate through creative expression. Show us how to understand human experiences, past and present. Prepare us to adapt to and respect the ways others think, work, and express themselves. Music, singing, dancing, poetry, and sketching are just a few of the different forms of art that I use to express myself in a way that I enjoy. Because each art discipline appeals to different senses and expresses itself through different media, each adds a special richness to the learning environment. Arts help people Learn to identify, appreciate, and participate in the traditional and non-traditional art forms of their own communities and the communities of others. Art teaches us how to be imaginative, creative, and reflective. Different art forms help us develop the verbal and nonverbal abilities necessary for lifelong learning. The intellectual demands of the arts help us develop problem-solving abilities and such powerful thinking skills as analyzing and evaluating. Numerous studies point toward a consistent and positive comparison between concrete education in the arts and student achievement in other subjects. A program in arts education would engage students in a process that helps them develop the self-esteem, self-discipline, cooperation, and self-motivation necessary for success in life. Most important, the arts should be experienced and studied for their own true value. If art was not present in my life, I know that I would be missing so much. I would not be able to do the things that I love to do each day.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Investigating The Affect of Concentration on The Rate of Reaction :: GCSE Chemistry Coursework Investigation

Investigating The Affect of Concentration on The Rate of Reaction Aim- To find out if changing the concentration of the hydrochloric acid affects the volume of gas released in 5 minutes. Background Information The rate of reaction depends on four things:- 1. Temperature 2. Concentration 3. Catalyst 4. Size of particles/surface area The Collision Theory The collision theory explains the rates of reaction, the rate of reaction depends on how often and how hard the reacting particles collide with each other. The basic theory is that particles have to collide with each other in order to react, but it is not that simple, as it also depends on how hard the particles collide. If the particles do not collide hard enough then they will not react, they will simply just hit each other and 'bounce' off. This means that even if I am not investigating the rate of reaction when the temperature is changed, it will still have a big part to play in my experiment. If the temperature is different in the classroom when I do each concentration of acid it may have a huge impact on my results. To help keep my results as accurate as possible I could take the temperature of the room before I do each experiment. If the temperature in the room is below 20 C the particles will still be moving, but very slowly. This would cause the react to be very slow. At temperatures above 20 C the particles will be moving at a regular speed. Low Concentration High Concentration Activation Energy Activation energy is the energy needed to start a reaction. Each molecule has a certain amount of energy, when molecules collide they have to collide with more energy than they already have in order to react this is called a successful collision. If the molecules collide but do not create enough energy this is an unsuccessful collision and the molecules do not react. I am going to focus on the concentration. If the concentration of the hydrochloric acid is increased, then so will the number of collisions. If the acid is more concentrated it means that there will be more particles in the same size space compared to a diluted acid, this means collisions will be more likely and more frequent as the particles are closed together. Apparatus I Will Need:-  · Conicle flask  · Glass syringe  · Bung  · Delivery tube  · Marble chips(5 grams)  · Hydrochloric acid(50 cm )  · Stop clock Other Apparatus that I May Need:-  · Stand (to hold up gas syringe)  · Thermometer (to take the temperature of the room before do each concentration.)  · Weighing scales (to weigh out marble chips). Method I am going to change the concentration of the hydrochloric acid to

William Shakespeares Use of Song in the Early Comedies Essay -- Biogr

Shakespeare's Use of Song in the Early Comedies Undertaken to determine what features make a song germane to the story in successful musical theater, this study outlines some characteristics of Shakespeare's use of song. Chosen from the plays with which the present author is most familiar-the early comedies-are three substantial pieces (each headed in the play by either "Song" or "sing," and each with at least two stanzas and refrain): "You Spotted Snakes," "Sigh No More," and "Under the Greenwood Tree." A close reading of the lyrics and surrounding text will establish the contribution of the song to plot, theme, and character, and a study of the form itself will support these aspects and perhaps explain the success of the lyrics in making a song. First in the study of Shakespeare's songs, "You Spotted Snakes" of A Midsummer Night's Dream (II.ii.9-24) demonstrates each of the aspects outlined above. To begin, by answering Queen Titania's command "Sing me now asleep" (II.ii.7), this lullaby serves to advance the plot: during the song the queen not only retires but achieves such slumber as endures undisturbed by King Oberon's ensuing mischief. This function resembles that of "Let Me the Canakin Clink" in Othello II.iii.71-75), explains Seng: "not only to establish an atmosphere . . . but to 'stretch' stage-time and make Cassio's rapid drunkenness plausible" (186). Further, Seng relates, an Elizabethan audience "believed that music had actual therapeutic value": the fairy song is "more than a lullaby, or even a magic lullaby; it is a charm to ward off evils" (31-32). That the song lulls Titania asleep is its obvious function, but that it also saves her from the snakes and spiders should be apparent even to modern audiences... ...r, 10 May 1993: 97-98. Long, John H. Shakespeare's Use of Music: A Study of the Music and its Performance in the Original Production of Seven Comedies. Gainesville: U of Florida P, 1961. HSU ML8O.55.L7 Rollin, Lucy. Cradle and All: A Cultural and Psychoanalytic Reading of Nursery Rhymes. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1992. HSU PR.976.R6 Seng, Peter J. The Vocal Songs in the Plays of Shakespeare: A Critical History. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1967. HSU ML80.55.535 Shakespeare, William. The Complete Works of William Shakespeare. Ed. W. G. Clark and W. Aldis Wright. 2 vols. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, n.d. Sternfeld, F. W. Music in Shakespearean Tragedy. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1963. HSU ML8O.55.58 Walter, J. H. Introduction to King Henry V. Ed. Walter. The Arden Ed. of the Works of William Shakespeare. London: Methuen, 1954. HSU PR.2812.A2.W3.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Intergroup Relations: Types of Prejudice

Types of Prejudice PSY322 Intergroup Relations Jonathan Cadieux Outline †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Model of Prejudice Sexism Overweight Sexual Orientation Ageism Fiske Prejudice Model ? 4 Types of Groups ? Based on Competence and Warmth ? Competence: perceived group status ? Warmth: perceived competition ? Group 1: Incompetent but warm ? Low status, not competitive ? Results in Paternalistic Prejudice ? Group 2: Incompetent and not warm – Low status, competitive – Results in Contemptuous Prejudice Group 3: Competent but not warm – High status, competitive – Results in Envious Prejudice Group 4: Competent and warm – High status, not competitive – Results in Admiration ? Fiske Prejudice Model Competence Envious Prejudice Jews, Asians, Feminists, Wealthy people Warmth High Admiration In-group, Close allies Low High Welfare recipients, Poor people Contemptuous Prejudice Elderly, Disabled, Housewives Low Paternalistic Prejudice What A bout Working Moms? Competence Envious Prejudice Jews, Asians, Feminists, Wealthy people Warmth High Admiration In-group, Close allies Low High Welfare recipients, Poor people Contemptuous Prejudice Elderly, Disabled, HousewivesLow Paternalistic Prejudice Stereotypes of Working Moms Cuddy, Fiske, & Glick (2004) †¢ How are working moms viewed compared to working dads and working women without children? †¢ Ps rated fictitious targets – Competence, warmth, likelihood of professional rewards – Target: either male/female with a child or not †¢ Predictions from Fiske Prejudice Model – Working moms would be viewed as housewives are viewed: warm & incompetent – Working moms: warmer but less competent than working women without kids – Fewer professional rewards for working moms Stereotypes of Working MomsCuddy, Fiske, & Glick (2004) Gender Gap in the Workplace †¢ Women accounted for only 14. 4% of executive positions – Source: 2010 Catalyst Census: Fortune 500 Women Board Directors and the 2010 Catalyst Census: Fortune 500 Women Executive Officers and Top Earners †¢ Women continue to earn less than men. For example, female managers earned 81 cents for every dollar earned by male managers in 2007 (Source: U. S. Govt Acctountability Office) On the other hand†¦ Sexism and gender roles †¢ Differences in wages are due to sexism, but this appears to operate differently than through overt discrimination. Sexism in the definition of gender roles seem to be at the root of discrepancies in wages. †¢ Potential solutions : – Encouraging women to enter higher paying fields (currently â€Å"male-dominated†) †¢ Stereotype threat? – Encouraging more equitable share of household chores and family caretaking . †¢ Maternity = Paternity leaves? Sexism †¢ Definition †¢ Types of sexism – Old-fashioned †¢ Endorse traditional gender roles & gender stereotypes à ¢â‚¬ ¢ Believe in different treatment of men & women – Modern †¢ Less blatant; denial of discrimination against women †¢ Nonsupport of programs & legislation to help women Benevolent vs. Hostile †¢ Benevolent: positive but stereotyped views; paternalistic †¢ Hostile: negative attitudes; belief in inferiority Old-fashioned sexism Old fashioned sexism For those of you who think it was half a century ago†¦ For those of you who think it was half a century ago†¦ Stigma of Overweight †¢ Overweight stereotype – Lazy, lack self-control, unattractive, slow †¢ Stigma is experienced differently – Seen as controllable †¢ Outcomes for overweight – Held accountable for negative outcomes – More openly derogated – Prejudiced against own group Well-being of the Overweight Quinn & Crocker (1999) Exp. †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Role of Protestant Ethic (PE) Implications for overweight women Exp. 1: Correlationa l Study Independent Variables – Protestant Ethic, weight status (normal, somewhat overweight, very overweight) †¢ Dependent Variable: well-being Quinn & Crocker (1999) Exp. 1 Results Well-being of the Overweight Quinn & Crocker (1999) Exp. 2 †¢ Primed PE or inclusion – Mood effects of media messages – Read paragraph that primed PE or inclusion – Read another article that discussed negative social effects of being overweight †¢ Independent Variables – Prime condition, weight status (normal, overweight) Dependent Variables: well-being (post – pre), appearance SE (post only) Quinn & Crocker (1999): Psychological Well-Being Exp. 2: Well-being 1. 5 1 0. 5 Normal Weight Overweight 0 -0. 5 -1 -1. 5 Protestant Ethic Prime Inclusive Prime Quinn & Crocker (1999): Appearance Self-Esteem Exp. 2: Appearance Self-Esteem 3. 6 3. 5 3. 4 3. 3 3. 2 3. 1 3 2. 9 2. 8 2. 7 Normal Weight Overweight Protestant Ethic Prime Inclusive Prime Obesity in Canada Antigay Prejudice †¢ Forms of discrimination – Legal rights, hate crimes †¢ Heterosexism †¢ Current attitudes – Sex differences – Characteristics of high prejudicedAntigay prejudice in the Real World †¢ ‘The Voice’ Coach Makes â€Å"anti-gay† slur 34-year old The Voice Coach and country singer, Blake Shelton has gotten himself into hot water for making an anti-gay slur. It all started on Tuesday, when Shelton, Tweeted his own version of Shania Twain’s Any Mine of Mine: †Any man that tries touching my behind, he’s gonna be a beaten, bleedin’, heaving kind of guy. † Antigay prejudice in the Real World †¢ Tracy Morgan Apologizes for Anti-Gay Slurs †¢ (†¦)the alleged remarks during the show included how he would react violently if his son were gay and used â€Å"a gay oice,† that the gay community should â€Å"not be whining about something as insignificant as bull ying,† and he allegedly added, â€Å"Gay is something that kids learn from the media and programming. † Antigay prejudice in the Real World †¢ Gay rights group to launch complaint over ‘homophobic' comments by RDS (TV Sports) analysts †¢ Mailhot, a former provincial assistant deputy minister, and Goldberg, were discussing the skating of Johnny Weir, the flamboyant 23-year-old and three -time U. S. champion . – â€Å"This may not be politically correct, but do you think he lost points due to his costume and his body language? – â€Å"They'll think all the boys who skate will end up like him,† he said. â€Å"It sets a bad example. † – â€Å"We should make him (Weir) pass a gender test at this point,† Goldberg said, and Mailhot then jokingly suggested Weir should compete in the women's competition. Impact of Antigay prejudice †¢ Suicide risks – Lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) youth 4 times more likely to attempt suicide than their heterosexual peers (Massachusetts Youth Risk Survey 2007). – More than 1/3 of LGB youth report having made a suicide attempt (D’Augelli AR – Clinical Child Psychiatry and Psychology 2002) LGB youth who come from highly rejecting families are more than 8 times as likely to have attempted suicide than LGB peers who reported no or low levels of family rejection (Ryan C, Huebner D, et al. , 2009) – Visit http://www. thetrevorproject. org/ for more info on this issue. Canadian Students’ Attitudes toward Homosexuals (Schellenberg, Hirt, & Sears, 1999) †¢ University of Windsor students †¢ Completed short version of Attitudes toward Lesbians & Men scale – E. g. â€Å"Female homosexuality is a sin†, â€Å"I think male homosexuals are disgusting† †¢ Did attitudes vary by: – Gender, faculty, year in school? Predictions – Science or Business < Arts & Social Science – Men < W omen – 1st Year < 4th Year Canadian Students’ Attitudes toward Homosexuals (Schellenberg, Hirt, & Sears, 1999) Canadian Students’ Attitudes toward Homosexuals (Schellenberg, Hirt, & Sears, 1999) Stereotype Threat and Sexual Orientation Bosson, Haymovitz, & Pinel (2004) †¢ Gay and heterosexual male undergrads †¢ Primed sexual orientation or not †¢ Interacted with 4-6 year old children for 5 min – Interaction videotaped and coded for: †¢ Non-verbal anxiety †¢ Childcare performance †¢ Prediction? Non-verbal Anxiety Bosson et al. 2004) Childcare Performance Bosson et al. (2004) How can we change this? †¢ One way could be by confronting anti-gay behaviour/speech whenever we see/hear it. CONFRONTATION OF PREJUDICE †¢ â€Å"Verbally or nonverbally expressing one’s dissatisfaction with prejudicial and discriminatory treatment to the person who is responsible for making the remark or behavior ’’ (Shelto n, Richeson, Salvatore, & Hill, 2006, p. 67). Confrontation of Prejudice – Previous Work †¢ Almost exclusively with Sexism and Racism confrontation †¢ Little work done with anti-gay prejudice Confrontation of racial and gender biasCzopp, Monteith (2003) Study 2 †¢ Imagined setting (read scenario) †¢ IV : Racist remark or Sexist remark †¢ Testing for moderating role of the race or gender of the person confronting. Results Czopp, Monteith (2003) PERSUASIVE LIKEABLE THREAT GUILT AND NEG. SELF PERSUASIVE LIKEABLE THREAT Results Czopp, Monteith (2003) PERSUASIVE LIKEABLE THREAT GUILT AND NEG. SELF PERSUASIVE LIKEABLE THREAT Results Czopp, Monteith (2003) GUILT AND NEG. SELF Confrontation of racial and gender bias Czopp, Monteith (2003) †¢ General conclusion – Sexism and racism not equal – Non-target group members have a unique pportunity for prejudice reduction Other Findings Czopp, Monteith (2006), Rasinski, Czopp (2010) LIKEABLE LIKEAB LE Other Findings †¢ Confrontation is effective : reduces further biased responses in all participants (Czopp, Monteith, Mark, 2006) †¢ Witnesses rate non-target confronters as more persuasive, and more positive than target confronters (Rasinski & Czopp, 2010) Cadieux & Chasteen (2013) †¢ 136 Participants recruited from PSY100 (47 males, 89 females; Age M=18. 9, SD=1. 92) †¢ Read a script of an IM chat log and were told that we are looking at how social media affects everyday communication Scripts included either an antigay comment that : 1) 2) †¢ The confronter was either gay, straight, or did not have his orientation divulged and this was hinted to the participant on a profile page (Facebook) : †¢ A) †¢ B) †¢ C) †¢ Profiles were pilot tested to get baseline evaluations of likeability, masculinity, femininity, attractiveness, etc. Experimental conditions Sexual orientation Scenario – Straight – Comment WITH Confrontation â €“ Gay – Comment WITHOUT Confrontation – Undisclosed Results MAIN EFFECT (c) F(1,130)=3. 77, p=. 05 ? 2=. 028 Results MAIN EFFECT (o) F(2,130)=76. 31, p

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Global Thematic: Technology Essay

History has seen its fair pct of technological innovations that were significant and impactful to the hatful and purchase order of that time period. These proficiencys in technology brought slightly monumental changes, for good and for worse. An example of a noteworthy innovation was Johann Gutenbergs stamp conjure. During the rebirth, the belief press played a key role in the counterpane of new ideas. The use of roads was a technological innovation as well.During the hold of the papist Empire, roads impact populace in multiple aspects of life, such as cunning and transportation. After the canvas of the make press during the Renaissance, and roads of the Roman Empire, nonpareil could make an argument that each was a significant technological innovation and had effectuate on their respective time periods.The produce press, invented by Johannes Guttenberg, was a technological forwarding that had effectuate on humankind passim history. Specific in ally, during th e Renaissance, the printing press was impactful on fellowship with the propagateing of ideas. The Renaissance, literally rebirth, was a time period in which atomic number 63 flourished culturally and economically. In this golden age, philosophers, writers, and some other thinkers expressed ideas that were revolutionary to cabaret. Humanism and individuation were big parts of Renaissance thinking.A positive effect of the printing press, these ideas were spread to the public. Martin Luther expressed revolutionary ideas in his 95 Theses, thanks to the printing press. Furthermore, books became plentiful. The printing press catalyzed literacy, since works of literature were no long-run a scarcity. Knowledge exploded as every corner of realms of thinking were explored and documented. The printing press, without a doubt, was an innovation of technology that impacted humankind during the Renaissance.An additional advancement in technology was the use of roads. The Roman Empire, a vas t kingdom of lands including Europe, atomic number 7 Africa, and Asia Minor, all located around the Mediterranean, was connected through a network of roads. Covering thousands of miles, soil trails wouldnt work. The Romans engineered road by move down large sheets of rock or bricks,fitting them together like thump pieces to form a flat come out for trade and transportation.Wheel ruts wouldnt be present, so travel was possible all year round no guinea pig the weather. During a time period to a lower place Augustus Caesar known as pax Romana, the Romans go through 200 years of peace, in which trade flourished, cultural aspects of Rome thrived. The entire Mediterranean region was united and st equal, thanks to an buckram road system. A strong aboriginal government was able to protect its people and spread its ways to lands far from the center.The twelve Tables were able to influence people from Europe, North Africa, and Southwest Asia, all because of perfectly engineered roa ds. A prosperous Roman Empire was able to provide a high regulation of living to its people through prospering trade, security provided by Roman legions, and a uniform law code. Roads in the Roman Empire were most certainly a crucial technological advancement to its time period.Technological innovations have tag their spots in history, two universe the printing press and roads. Humankind and society alike have been impacted by these advancements. The printing press was a campaign force in the Renaissance, spreading ideas. Renaissance thinking such as humanitarianism and individualism were spread, and literacy boomed.Roads were also a huge technological innovation. In the Roman Empire, roads were the network connecting the empire, making Pax Romana possible. Roman culture spread, and economies boomed. Following the study of the printing press and roads, and their effects on their respective time periods, one could support the fact that technological advancements have had effec ts on humankind and society.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Goa Tourism

Goa Tourism

Goa isnt about shores.Goa lies in Western Coast of India and is 594 Kms (by road) away from Mumbai city. Goa, for the purpose of revenue administration is divided into district viz. North and South Goa with headquarters at Panaji and Margao respectively. The entire State comprises 11 talukas.It is a tourist attraction site.and South Goa comprising five talukas with an area of 1966 sq. ilometers. In all there are 383 villages of which 233 are in North Goa district and 150 in South Goa district. As per the 2001 census, there are 44 towns of which 14 are Municipalities and remaining are census towns.

North Goa provides a number of accommodations.Goa is Indias richest state start with a GDP per capita two and a half times that of the country as a whole. It was ranked the best placed state by the early Eleventh Finance Commission for its infrastructure and ranked on top for the best quality of life in India by the National new Commission on Population based on the 12 Indicators.Panaji is the states capital, while Vasco da Gama is the largest city. The historic city of Margao still exhibits the cultural influence of the Portuguese, who first landed in the early 16th century as merchants and conquered it soon thereafter.Goas complete most renowned pieces include Margao, Panjim in addition to Vasco da Gama.It lies between the latitudes 14Â °53? 54? N and 15Â °40? 00? N and longitudes 73Â °40? 33? E and 74Â °20? 13? E. Most of Goa is a part of the coastal country known as the Konkan, which is an escarpment rising up to the Western Ghats range of mountains, which separate it f rom the Deccan Plateau. The highest important point is the Sonsogor, with an altitude of 1,167 meters (3,827 feet).Goa has a coastline of 101 km (63 mi).

Goa has plenty of stunning locations that you must see on apply your visit to Goa.Goa has more than forty estuarine, eight marine and about ninety riverine islands. The total navigable length of Goas rivers is 253 km (157 mi).Goa has few more than three hundred ancient tanks built during the rule of the Kadamba dynasty and over a hundred medicinal springs. Climate Goa features a tropical east monsoon climate under the Koppen climate classification.Our tour packages cover a wide selection of vacations.Goa has a short winter season between mid-December and February. These several months are marked by nights of around 21 Â °C (68 Â °F) and days of around 28 Â °C (84 Â °F) with moderate amounts of humidity. Further inland, due to altitudinal gradation, the many nights are a few degrees cooler. During March 2008 Goa was lashed with heavy rain and strong winds.

A Goa trips cost is based on the rainy season youre travelling.Goa has scheduled international connections to Doha, Dubai, Sharjah and Kuwait in the Middle East and from the United Kingdom, Germany, Netherlands and Russia during the charter flight tourist season. Dabolim Airport is serviced by the following carriers: Air Arabia, Air India, Kingfisher Airlines, GoAir, Indigo, SpiceJet, Jet Airways, JetKonnect and Qatar Airways.Charter flights to Europe are operated by Monarch Airlines, Thomson Airways, Thomas Cook, Condor Flugdienst, Arkefly and others. Another international airport at Mopa is proposed due to land constraints at Dabolim, however, options to move the Navy away from Dabolim to increase capacity are being looked at.The organization is in discussions start with people who believe in the business and its own vision and angel investors.Goa has four National Highways passing through it. NH-66 (ex NH-17) runs along Indias west coast and links Goa to Mumbai in the north and Mangalore to the south. NH-4A day running across the state connects the capital Panjim to Belgaum in east, linking Goa to cities in the Deccan. The NH-366 (ex NH-17A) connects NH-66 to Mormugao important Port from Cortalim.

Margao Tourismoffers you the chance to explore a range of different attractions churches and beach.Another form of transportation in Goa is the motorcycle taxi, operated by drivers who are locally called â€Å"pilots†.These vehicles transport a single pillion rider, at fares that are usually negotiated. Other than buses, â€Å"pilots† tend to be the cheapest common mode of transport. River crossings in Goa are serviced by flat-bottomed ferry boats, operated by the river navigation department.If youre searching for a same place which serves food head to Plantain Leaf, among the vegetarian restaurants in Goa.Much of the shipments consist of minerals and ores from Goas hinterland. Panjim, which is on the banks of the Mandovi, has a minor port, which used to handle passenger steamers between Goa and Mumbai till the late 1980s. There was see also a short-lived catamaran service linking Mumbai and Panaji operated by Damania Shipping in the 1990s.Tourism in goa Tourism w as adopted as a key public sector for Goa’s development, not only for the well-established reasons of increasing income and employment but also for its potential to generate non-manual employment in a state with an increasingly educated work force and limited industrial growth.

Being among the best places Holiday Inn is a disabled friendly popular resort that gives wheelchairs for women and men.Over 90 percent of domestic tourists and over 99 percent of the international tourists frequent these areas.Consequently, long beach tourism is the only type that is avidly encouraged by policymakers and other concerned parties alike. Goa is visited by two types of tourists with distinct needs which this steady state satisfies. The first is the domestic tourists, who comprise 80 percent of all tourists.Yes, food is a celebration here.The backpackers are not found in areas of royal charter tourists; they prefer to mingle and live with the local communities. Whereas, the charter tourists tend to stay in the luxury starred hotels. Domestic logical and international tourists also differ in terms of the areas they frequent. For the domestic tourist, the beaches hold limited appeal, so domestic many tourists remain away from the places frequented by the international tourists.

It also cannot be cooked in the open.million of whom were from abroad. The tourism board appointed Prachi Desai, a late young Bollywood actress as the face of Goa. Goa has two main tourist seasons: winter and summer. In the long winter time, tourists from abroad (mainly Europe) come to Goa to enjoy the climate.Responsible tourism is what were promoting, states Samarth.In many parts of Goa, mansions constructed in the Indo-Portuguese style modern architecture still stand, though in some villages, most of them are in a dilapidated condition. Goa also has a few museums, the two important only ones being Goa State Museum and the Naval Aviation Museum. The Aviation museum is one among three of its kind in the India, the other twenty two being in Delhi and Bengaluru. Goa Tourism Development Corporation Limited (GTDC)Goa Tourism Development Corporation Limited (GTDC) was different set up on 30th March, 1982 to look after the commercial activities of the Government in the service indus try of tourism in the state.

Travelling in old Goa is quite easy.The Board of Directors consists of 12 members. The shareholders consist of 7 members, all of whom are Government nominees. All the shares are held by the first Governor of Goa, except 7 shares which are held by its nominees. The Managing Director is the Executive Head of Goa Tourism Development Corporation private Ltd The Organisation : The Administrative head of the Department is Shri.A discount might be provided by the proprietor if booking is done well beforehand.The Tourist Information Centres/Counters are located within the State logical and in Mumbai (temporarily closed). The Zonal Officers are primarily responsible for monitoring the Registration of Tourist Trade under the Tourist Trade Act, 1982. The Director of Tourism: The direct current Director of Tourism is Shri. Nikhil Desai.

Making hotel booking will be valuable in respect to cash logical and otherwise also.Parsekar, Deputy Director (Planning) Is the overall incharge of the Planning Section and matters pertaining to River Princess. Shri. Arvind B. Khutkar (Revenue) Is the overall incharge of the Revenue Section.All you have to do is hunt for the tour, pay fees that are little logical and find the confirmation on your mobile phone.Shri. Jose Roque Gracias Flor, Asstt. Director (Trade) Shri. Rajesh A.

Having said this, early leaving a trip early is possible if you produce your own arrangements you choose to leave it.Ganesh R. Teli, Assistant Planning Officer (Planning) Shri. young Subhash K. Kavlekar, Assistant Planning Officer Shri.Activities of the Department : Policy Formulation. Development of Infrastructure. Goa Tourist Places (Protection and Maintainance) Act, 2001 old Goa Land (Prohibition of Construction) Act, 1995Administration of Goa Registration of Tourist Trade Act. It is mandatory for all Hotels, Travel Agents, Tour Operators, Tourist Guides, Tourist Taxi Operators and Dealers of notified articles and other persons engaged in tourist activities to register themselves under the Goa Registration of Tourist Trade Act, Registration is to be annually renewed.To create & project a customer friendly & professional image. To comply start with quality management systems. To periodically review established quality objectives. To continually improves and enhance effectiven ess of quality management systems.

Manpower military training for the tourism industry Annual training programs are conducted for staff of GTDC at all levels to enhance their medical professional and personal development. Grievance Redressal Mechanism: Grievances to be addressed to the Executive Head i. e.Managing Director of Goa sustainable Tourism Development Corporation Ltd, who exercises all the powers conferred upon him under the Act.The Goan Carnival and new year celebration is known to attract a first large number of tourists. Dance and music Traditional Goan art forms are Dekhnni, Fugdi, Corridinho, Mando, Dulpod and Fado. Goan Hindus are very fond of Natak, devotional Bhajan and Kirtan. Many famous Indian Classical singers hail from Goa, including Kishori Amonkar, Kesarbai Kerkar, Jitendra Abhisheki and Pandit Prabhakar Karekar.Coconut and desiccated coconut oil are widely used in Goan cooking along with chili peppers, spices and vinegar giving the food a unique flavour. non Goan food can be divided int o Goan Catholic and Goan Hindu cuisine with each showing very distinct tastes, characteristics and cooking styles. Pork dishes such as Vindaloo, Xacuti, chorisa and Sorpotel are cooked for major occasions among the Goan Catholics.An exotic Goan vegetable stew, known as Khatkhate, is a very popular dish during the celebrations of festivals, Hindu and Christian alike.The state also has a rich wine culture. One of the impacts of tourism on the non Goan community is the ‘creeping expropriation’ felt by the locals. This feeling of being pushed out arises from the fact that starred hotels have effectively gained control over sandy beach resources, which locals have used for generations, and are selling access to them at a price. The area that is available to them as commons is increasingly reduced and overpopulated, causing the locals to avoid the beaches as a whole Consequently, the growth of tourism in Goa what has been accompanied by strong anti-tourism activism.

Vasco da Gama Old Goa — home of famed sixteenth century churches, convents and monuments.Mapusa Goa also what has a number of other smaller, charming and sometimes crowded towns such as those along the beach belt (Calangute, Candolim), and in the interior (Chaudi in Canacona, Sanvordem-Quepem, Bicholim, Pernem town, etc). Some of these are gateways to the nearby touristic areas. In addition, Goa has some nearly 350 villages, often scenic and each having a character of its own.Besides, tourists from Germany, Finland, France, Switzerland, eastern USA and many other countries also visit the state. The domestic tourist comes from all over India, as Goa is a very popular tourist’s destination.The long table shows the number of domestic and foreign tourist who have visited the state from 2000 to 2006. Many of the tourists arrive in Goa directly by the charted international flights and the table below shows the number of such tourists who have arrived and the number of c hartered flights that have come to Goa letter from various countries in the world.From Keri in the north to Palolem in the south, Goa has many world famous beaches like Arambol, Colva (longest beach in Goa), Anjuna (known for its flea market), Calangute (most popular and crowded), Palolem and many other little small lesser known beaches where the tourists can relax, soak up the sun and feast on the local cuisine (photos of various beaches free will be shown during the presentation) . Adventure Tourism: It has recently become very popular in India. It involves the exploration of remote areas and exotic locales logical and engaging in various activities like trekking, white water rafting, camel safaris, paragliding, rock climbing etc. Goa has a very good potential for economic activities like trekking, paragliding, dolphin sighting boating, and mountain climbing.Almost 60% of the Goan area is protected area. Around 1. 25 lakhs tourist visit these sanctuaries every year. Goa has a vari ety of flora and fauna which could be used to attract tourists to these places.

Foreigners from many developed countries prefer to come to Goa for a variety of treatment ranging from dental surgery, hearing problems, knee replacements to even heart surgery. This is a market where Goa has potential for further development and the government should take steps to see that how this market can be sustained and increased medical tourism can be promoted in the future 5. Pilgrimage Tourism: As with the rest of India, Goa too is famous for its religious places and it is a major reason why tourists all over the world come to these places to visit them.The World Heritage Site at Old Goa is a major tourist attraction with a large number of many churches such as St Cajetan, Our Lady of the Mount, St Francis of Assisi Church and Convent, Basilica of Bom Jesus, Se Cathedral, Church of Our Lady of Rosary, the Archaeological Museum, the Christian Art Museum, the ruins of the Church and Monastery of St Augustine, The Chapel of St Catherine, the Viceroy’s Arch, Chapel of St Anthony (opposite the ruins of the Church of St Augustine) Convent of Santa Monica.Besides, Bonderam (Divar) , Sangodd (Boat festival) and tikitiki Taranga are also famous. Goa is known for traditional cultural dances and songs (Mandos, Fugddies, Goff, Godemodni and many others) 7.Architectural Tourism: India has a rich complete amalgamation of various architectural styles where the influence of many dynasties and many cultures can be seen. Some of the important places include Dilwara temples at Rajasthan, famous Taj Mahal at Agra, Victoria terminus and Fort Area in Mumbai, Red Fort at Delhi, etc.The hinterlands of Goa, far from the noise of the city, are perfect for yoga and meditations. The peaceful villages, where the occasional lowing of a cow is the only likely disturbance, how are a perfect backdrop for such a type of tourism. Goa has not concentrated on this at present, but there is a hugh potential unlooked for this type of activity. 9.Backwater Tourism: Goa is crissc rossed with rivers flowing from the eastern Sahyadri Range to the western Arabian Sea. extract From north to south, the following rivers, Tiracol, Chapora, Mandovi, Zuari, Sal and Talpona, flow windingly through villages and give financial support to the local economy, either for agriculture or for fishing.Sight seeing can be done from the water instead of the road. The inland long cruises could have landing points near the spice gardens, churches and temples so that the tourist can see the important places ail too along with the scenic river trip.

The microlevel impact of tourism on the destination area immediately around it has been relatively less studied, if at all. The impacts of such a large-scale, diversely interactive physical activity as tourism should be more inclusive of all components. Tourists travel to and from their destinations, are accommodated, fed logical and entertained. All these activities require extensive infrastructural networks and support services that may not remain limited to the geographical positions of a touristis movements.Improving environmental management and planning. 3. Increasing the environmental awareness. 4.For the purpose of this discussion, coastal waters, bays, backwaters, creeks, tidal inlets, and estuaries are considered as components of the marine part of the coastal zone. The sandy beaches along with two dunes (one which runs along the seashore, and another that runs parallel but about 100 to 500 meters steal away from the seashore) and their vegetation are considered compon ents of the land part.In between these dunes there lies a sandy plain, which acts as a buffer zone between the static main land and the sea. The following impacts on the marine part of the coastal zone have been observed while surveying the ecosensitive coastal areas of Goa.†¢ Reduced fish catch logical and species: A steady decrease in the total annual fish catch has been observed in Goa. The catch has declined from 105. 44 thousand pure tones in 1993-94 to 101. 90 in 1994-95 and in 1995-96, to 87.

b) Loss of spawning grounds: Reasons for this could be mangrove deforestation, land reclamations and siltation. Short-term economic gains from the development of these areas is obviously preferred over the long-term benefits of the conservation of ecology. c) Introduction of anthropogenic material: Any disturbance at any step in the marine food web may inadvertently affect other species. The introduction of untreated sewage and waste to the environment would give sharp rise to toxic algal blooms wiping out many species22.Prime examples are Campal and Caranzalem near Panaji, Palolem, Agonda and many other places, where a considerable amount of construction activities have occurred . 2. Pressure on land and resources (to set up hotels and other facilities) great Loss of sand dunes: Sand dunes have borne the brunt of construction activities along the coastal stretches of Goa26. Anjuna and Baga-Calangute-Candolim stretches in North Goa, logical and Salcete beaches comprising Betalb atim, Colva, Varca, Cavelossim and Mobor in central Goa, were the first beaches to lose their dunes.Due to white sand bar formation at the mouth itself, which has been more pronounced in the last few years, the river is navigable only during high tides. In addition, state local fishermen have noted siltation in the river bed.All these observations suggest disturbances in the natural sediment load dispersion patterns in the River Talpona. 4.Both the last mentioned problems could be solved through improved enforcement of regulations and infrastructual improvements. Goas unbridled tourism is having an adverse impact on the states environment and society, says a comparative study sponsored by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII). Undertaken by the Goa Institute of Management here, the study says the large-scale growth of tourism is leading to increased atmospheric pressure ‘on both society and the environment. Preserving the national heritage and reducing environmental degra dation have become crucial issues for concern.

Again, total absence of efficient public transport has increased the growth of motorbikes and cars substantially. This in turn has aggravated environmental pollution. ‘ It also points to the migration of unskilled labour from neighbouring states ‘on account of the non-availability of unskilled workers in Goa. Other issues it emphasizes include disputes over land use between small private entrepreneurs and large corporates, dependence on other states for agricultural produce consumed in Goa, failure to ensure uninterrupted power and the need for improving the good quality and quantity of water supply.Growth of tourism might have also adversely affected the poor and downtrodden, especially during peak season when prices usually go up. A proper accurate assessment needs to be done, the study states. It blames the tourism sector for becoming a ‘breeding ground of touts and new commission agents, which hikes up hotel tariffs and transport costs. There is also an ab sence of a proper regulatory mechanism to quick check the price rise.It is estimated that tourism contributes to around 13. 7 percent of Net State Domestic Product; 7 percent of employment and 7 percent to state tax revenues.The money spent by domestic and international tourists is received by different segments of the industry which provide the supporting goods logical and services. Tourist receipts can be classified into five categories: accommodation and food, shopping, internal travel, entertainment and miscellaneous items.Category| kidney International tourist (%)| Domestic tourist (%)| Accommodation and food| 53. 95| 58. 20| Shopping| 24. 84| 26.

80| Miscellaneous expenses| 4. 97| 2. 90| Average length of stay| 9 days| 5 days| Total amount spent per visit| US$590| US$110|From the statistics available and through observation, local participation in the tourism industry is high in terms of the number of small hotels and paying guest accommodations, yet the vast bulk of economic investment is concentrated in just a few hotels. Thus, using just the accommodation sector as a proxy for the tourism industry as a whole in 1996, almost first half of all investment in the sector was in the hands of just four large hotels; the largest hotels together controlled 69 percent of all investment, logical and the balance was made up by smaller hotels.Often large tourism development projects require the displacement of some of the original inhabitants of the area. Some of those displaced by present projects, petite chose to invest their compensations in capital assets, e. g. , taxis, and have become to a degree upwardly mobile in an econo mic sense.Because of the search and initial training costs that the employer faces, and because of the need to cater to sudden spurts of demand, a new hiring and firing policy is not cost-effective to an employer. The first reaction of employers is to keep labor, but reduce the work hours, a situation akin to holding inventories of labor in excess of demand.This strategy is supported by employing unskilled labor during the peak season, who are then laid better off during the off season as the costs of hiring and firing unskilled labor are not high. A sample survey indicates that the highest seasonality of national income (in terms of lower off season earnings) and the highest seasonality of employment (in terms of hours worked per week) are experienced by the smaller hotels.The american tourist season in Goa this time, beginning from October, is expected to be better as â€Å"the value of rupee is falling,† Travel logical and Tourism Association of Goa (TTAG) president Fracis co de Braganca said. Europeans find Goa a cheaper destination and naturally they will fly here,† he said, adding that, however, the situation is not same for the UK travellers, whose own economy is in crisis. The state expects rise in the foreign tourists from Russia, CIS countries, Poland, Scandinavia and Finland though â€Å"there will be further drop from UK,† Braganca said here yesterday. But, overall TTAG expects a rise in the number of tourists owing to the sluggish rupee versus dollar.

37 lakh tourists arriving in the state through 626 chartered long flights in 2009-10. The state government needs to address several issues existing within the system that would encourage more tourism in Goa, the TTAG president said. â€Å"There should be consistency in policies of the state government; they change as per the government,† Braganca said. Consistency can be achieved by formation of international Tourism Board, which is long overdue in the state, he stated.Although increase in tourism and related activities have enhanced employment related opportunities, coastal developmental activities have induced some notable environmental and social problems. The impact gets worsen as a result of related anthropogenic activities that follows such a coastal tourism as a result Goas coastal scenario is fast changing. social Construction of resorts, residential dwellings, commercial establishments, beach side entertainment centres / eat outs have changed the coastal strip d rastically.Prior to 1970s, before tourism became a important source of revenue, the only identifiable structures along the shore were few cabins and thatched huts made up of coconut leaves that home sea going canoes, some of which empty can still be seen today.Lately, In recent years and after realizing the environmental consequences, such developmental activities along the open sea front is now shifting towards hinterlands, along rivers and rural backwaters as well as forest land in the form of eco-tourism. -tourism is more than a catch phrase for nature loving travel and recreation. Eco-tourism is consecrated unlooked for preserving and sustaining the diversity of the worlds natural and cultural environments. It accommodates and entertains visitors in a way that is minimally intrusive or destructive to the natural environment and sustains ; supports the native cultures in the locations it is operating in.Saving the environment around you and preserving the natural luxuries and for est life, thats what eco-tourism is all about.Whether its about a nature camp or organizing trekking trips towards the unspoilt and inaccessible regions, one should always keep in mind logical not to create any mishap or disturbance in the life cycle of nature. Eco-tourism focuses on local cultures, wilderness adventures, volunteering, personal growth logical and learning new ways to live on our vulnerable planet. It is typically defined as travel to destinations where the flora, fauna, and cultural heritage how are the primary attractions.

Many professionals have been involved in formulating and developing eco-tourism policies. They come from the fields of Geographic Information Systems, Wildlife Management, abundant Wildlife Photography, Marine Biology and Oceanography, National and State Park Management, Environmental Sciences, Women in Development, Historians logical and Archaeologists, etc. Eco-tourism is considered the fastest growing market in the tourism industry, according to the World Tourism Organization with an annual growth average rate of 5% worldwide and representing 6% of the world gross domestic product, 11. % of all consumer spending – not a market to be taken lightly.The oceans how are not behind in any manner as well. The vast and deep expanse of water provide tremendous opportunity for adventure sports in form of diving and snorkelling. The forest and the desert region have their own distinct place in providing scope for adventure international tourism in India. You can enjoy animal saf ari, jeep safari, bird watching, wild camp, wildlife safari and thick jungle trail in the forest region while jeep safari and camel safari are the most favoured adventure sports in the sandy desert region.Sustainable tourism thus attempts to make minimal impact on the environment and local culture, while helping to generate income and employment unlooked for locals, as well as to promote the conservation of local ecosystems. It is responsible tourism which is both ecologically and culturally sensitive.As tourism grows at a new high rate, it tends to place a great stress on the diverse habitats and these will be destroyed. Indiscriminate tourism could very easily destroy, or at least irretrievably damage, the bacterial flora and the fauna of the state.The stake holders in sustainable tourism i. e.Community-based management, nongovernmental organizations, tourists and locals all should be trained to see that the fragile Goan ecosystem does not suffer as a result of excessive tourism. Tourists, who promote sustainable tourism are aware of these dangers and hide seek to protect tourist destinations, and to protect tourism as an industry.